
The next meeting of the Chicago Smalltalk User
Come join us on October 26 for the next meeting of the Chicago Smalltalk User Group. With the growing interest in .NET, this presentation should be of interest to your non-Smalltalk friends too, so bring them along! We will be serving refreshments.
Anybody is welcome to attend the meeting. There are no fees, but because of limited seating, we ask that you reserve your place with Holly Durham of E&Y, (312) 356-2811.
Ernst & Young Applications Services
17th floor of the Santa Fe Building
224 S. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60604
(See directions and maps below)
Thursday October 26, 2000. We will open the doors at 6PM and begin at 6:15PM.
Demonstration of QKS Smalltalk and SmallScript(tm) for Microsoft's .NET platform.
by David Simmons, Quasar Knowledge Systems
.NET is Microsoft's language-neutral, cross-platform answer to Java. David will discuss .NET, and will demonstrate SmallScript and QKS Smalltalk's integration with this innovative new platform.
The Santa Fe Building is south of Adams Street on Michigan Avenue. The meeting will be held on the 17th floor, just follow the signs to the meeting room.
Overview map:
Detailed map:
If you need any further clarification, contact